Our Instructors

Megan Longman

Mum and Physiotherapist

I am a local physiotherapist and mum of three. I’ve been exploring in the outdoors since childhood, having grown up on a high country sheep station. I started slalom kayaking at age 14, and whitewater kayaking was my Biggest Thing through until my mid 20’s. Over the last 10 years I have developed a passion for mountain biking whilst living in Alexandra, and am determined to see more women and girls out in the hills around Alex mountain biking and generally exploring. I have also competed in rogaines and adventure races including GODzone, and enjoy exploring new places by foot, bike or kayak. I believe adventuring in the outdoors is an incredible way to maximise our wellbeing, and to build self confidence and resilience. I want smash any barriers that get in the way of girls having the opportunity to adventure in their local wild places.

Kim Froggatt

Mum and Outdoor Instructor

I grew up adventuring in the outdoors in Alexandra particularly mountain biking and whitewater kayaking. I then studied Physiotherapy at University and continued to be passionately involved in kayaking and mountain bike clubs, and had begun to discover tramping and rock climbing. After working as a physio for a couple of years I changed tack and worked as an instructor at Outward Bound for 4 years. This was a fantastic experience it completely aligned with my values, I loved sharing my passion for the outdoors whilst helping people grow and develop. I now live back in Alex with my husband and two young children and am enjoying being a full-time mother, doing a little bit of work for the Dunstan High School Outdoor Ed programme and being part of an amazing community. I want to help girls in our community be the best they can be and I believe journeying with them in the outdoors is a very effective way to do this.

Penny Smale

Mum and Scientist

Growing up in the North Island, I was fortunate that my family was keen on Orienteering – we travelled around the country going to many events. This grounding gave me a passion for getting outside and adventuring. I have had many outdoors interests over the years including whitewater kayaking, cycle touring and tramping locally and overseas. While I work in Science now, my working history has also been many and varied including snowboard instructing, glacier guiding and working as a bike mechanic. My more recent outdoor pursuits are mountain biking, rogaining and adventure racing. I have gained my fondest memories and enduring friendships from getting out in the wild on adventures and am passionate about providing opportunities for others to do so too.

Michelle Schurmann

Research Scientist

Growing up in Nelson sparked my love for adventuring in our natural playground from a young age, where I spent hours mountain biking, tramping, and competing in multisport/running events. I then spent a few years studying in Wellington where my love for mountain biking grew, and I found my passion in whitewater kayaking. I have been lucky enough to paddle many New Zealand rivers, canoe guide on the Whanganui River, and be a part of the wonderful family that comes with these sports. Since moving to Alexandra in 2020 to work as a fruit researcher, I am so excited to be part of the Journeys whānau to share and experience with our kōhine what the outdoors has taught me in self-confidence, resilience, and building friendships.

Caitlin Feasey


I moved to Alexandra about 8 years ago, and discovered a whole new level of mountain biking. I’m working as an engineer for Fulton Hogan, and in my spare time I’m biking, skiing, rock climbing and dabbling in rogaines and adventure races. One of my favourite sports is skiing and ski touring. I’ve travelled and worked a lot in the ski industry, patrolling and instructing, and love sharing fun experiences and challenges. I think that getting outdoors and being active is great for building friendships, happiness and well-being, and I love contributing to Journeys.

Lisa Keene

Mum and Research Associate  

I grew up on the West Coast of the South Island where I spent my childhood days playing in the bush, at the beach and riding my bike. After leaving school I studied ecology and zoology and had jobs managing our native wildlife.  This took me to some amazing places, and I worked outside in all kinds of weather and environments.  I moved to Alexandra about 14 years ago and discovered a real love for mountain biking and trail running. I also made some amazing friends to share my adventures with.  I’m excited to be involved in Journeys and give others the opportunity to get outside adventuring too. 

Natasha Pritchard

Mum and Resource Consent Planner

I grew up on a dairy farm with three brothers in the Waikato. I took up running when I went to University and enjoyed tramping throughout the country with friends and family. I work for the Otago Regional Council as a resource consents planner and I had a similar job in Wellington before moving south. When I moved to Alexandra 12 years ago I encountered mountain biking. This has taken me on some exciting and fun adventures and I have slowly been improving my skills so that I have more confidence riding the local trails. I have two young girls and love to share the outdoor world with them. In recent years I have generally been involved in trail running, mountain biking and adventure racing. I primarily enjoy seeking out new places to explore and sharing this with friends and like-minded family. Being outside has always brought a sense of freedom, inner peace and challenge and I look forward to supporting our young wahine as they explore the world around them.

Kirsten Knights

Mum and Lawyer

I have always had a thing for the outdoors, our parents gave us every opportunity to explore our farm, our coastlines, tramping in the southern National Parks and skiing each winter with our local primary school.  I worked as an Outdoor Instructor while on my OE taking kids climbing and kayaking on the south coast of England. I have so many fabulous memories connected with these experiences and I wanted to create the same opportunities for my four boys.  We moved to Alexandra twenty years ago and have continued to spend time in the outdoors through kayaking, skiing and tramping.  Mountain Biking is a very recent addition to the outdoor skill set and I’m enjoying the new challenge.  I love the outdoors for providing us with opportunities for adventure, for self discovery, for time to breathe.  There is nothing like a sunrise in the mountains or a waterfall in the bush to remind us to appreciate the moment and be present.  I love that Journeys is making adventure possible for a whole range of young women.

Pam Anderson

Chartered Accountant

I moved to Alexandra a year ago and am absolutely loving exploring the region.  I grew up on a dairy farm in Southland and spent my youth playing netball.  For the past 20 years I have been living in the North Island which is where I got into triathlons and cycling.  I have completed Ironman NZ and numerous half ironmans and shorter triathlons including attending age group world champs.   Being an accountant and working in an office all day exercising outdoors is my happy place; there is nothing better than the beauty and serenity of nature.  The ability to overcome obstacles and fears provides me so much confidence to take on new adventures in all aspects of my life. I’m really looking forward to being part of Journeys and encouraging young wahine to have confidence in everything they do.

Brenda Stringer


I grew up in rural Southland, and as a kid I was part of Boys Brigade (no Girls Brigade company available), so I did a lot of camping and tramping, learning outdoor skills, and various crafts to gain badges. Nowadays I’ve lived in Central Otago nearly 15 year sand I love the outdoors, working as the Assistant Vineyard Manager for Cloudy Bay Vineyards over in Cromwell. I get to do it all from operating tractors, to being hands on with the vines and soil, or supervising crews of people. The wild places we have access to, right here on our door steps, are an adventurer’s playground and I can never tire of exploring it. 

Kelly Hoskin

Mum and LandSAR Coordinator

I am a Mum of two and work for Land Search and Rescue, which keeps me busy! I have lived in Alexandra for the last five years; my husband and I moved here to take advantage of the spectacular opportunities to adventure on our doorstep. I love travelling, bikepacking and cycle touring and have had some pretty epic adventures overseas including biking from Colombia to Patagonia. There are so many awesome places to explore in New Zealand I feel like I have only scratched the surface of what there is to see and can’t wait to get out in the outdoors with Journeys.

Tash Kane

Mum and Puna Rangatahi Manager

I grew up in the North Island where my first introduction to the outdoors was hunting with my dad. This continued with my own family and expanded over the years to include mountain biking, trail running, adventure racing and tramping. I moved to the Maniototo with my partner and three children 15 years ago and have enjoyed the amazing playground that comes with living in rural Central Otago. I have a great passion for the outdoors and enjoy using this to grow and expand confidence, self belief and connections with our young people.